

Stefanie Boyce's profile

Stefanie Boyce BSc Occupational Therapy Studying for a Post Graduate Certificate in Sensory Integration Member of RCOT including Independent Practice and Children Sections ADOS 2 Trained Autism Train the trainer Yoga as Therapy Trained

Empower Occupational Therapy Services

I work holistically, with a functional approach to recovery by empowering individuals to develop self-efficacy in their lives by teaching skills and encouraging them to develop tools to maintain their well-being and achieve outcomes that are meaningful to them. I have worked in a mix of settings such as mental health- acute and rehab, CAMHS and in Schools. My experience has consisted of developing and delivering 1:1 and group interventions, functional assessments, home visits, observations and standardised assessments. I have experience in providing interventions such as physical mobility assessments and prescribing equipment, sensory to enable individuals to manage their environments and emotional coping skills for wellbeing. I have experience as a safeguarding lead, supervising staff and students, enabling them to develop their skills within their roles and enhancing their practice as professional clinicians. I have had managerial responsibilities, to ensure OT provision is met within services, promote patient engagement and support with therapy quality improvement plans and budgets. I have developed my knowledge, experience and competencies through various external training including Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Essential Skills and Autism train the trainer course for Children and Young People. Additionally, I completed the training for administering the ADOS 2 assessment for all ages and a Yoga as Therapy course to facilitate groups for patients to deliver sessions to promote body awareness, confidence, balance, flexibility, regulating emotions and to facilitate positive sensory experiences and. I am now completing a postgraduate certificate in Sensory Integration with Sensory Integration Education and Sheffield Hallam University.

Picture of Stefanie Boyce


BSc Hons Occupational Therapy

Contact Stefanie Boyce

Phone: 07920 645404

Email: [email protected]




  • Child or adolescent
  • Adult 25 +
  • Young person (18-25)
  • Older person (65+)
  • Sensory integration
  • Case Management
  • Coaching
  • Mental Health
  • Advice about access, bathroom &/or kitchen adaptations or equipment Home adaptations for independent living
  • Advice around specialist equipment or in modifying your home to maximise independence
  • Falls prevention
  • Assessments for Disabled Facilities Grants
  • Practical strategies/treatment to overcome daily challenges caused by illness, accident, recent diagnosis or ageing.
  • Long term conditions management in the community
  • Sensory Impairment expertise
  • Help and support with pain or fatigue-management techniques
  • Depression and anxiety management
  • Mental health recovery and peer support
  • Stress-related support
  • Solution focused counselling
  • Learning Disability or Autism in adults
  • Therapeutic assessment, support and intervention for memory problems
  • Support with Alzheimer's disease or other dementias
  • Assessment, advice and support for children
  • Autism expertise
  • ADHD expertise
  • Specialist support and expertise around anxiety disorders or challenging behavior
  • Education, Health & Care (EHC) plans: advice/assessment
  • Work/health promo/training/H&S e.g. DSE Risk Assessment, Manual Handling training, stress prevention/education
  • Ergonomic Assessment/industrial/office/vehicle seating/equipment advice
  • Job/role analysis of task demands
  • Neuropsychological/Cognitive/Neurodiversity assessment (including standardised tools)
  • Mental Health Assessment and Advice - work related
  • Career re-direction Assessment/Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA)
  • Graduated RTW plan/reasonable adjustments advice
  • Vocational Rehab (VR) ongoing input/treatment/job coach/work prep/work hardening/conditioning
  • Assessments/support at GP surgeries
  • Regular supervision for independent practitioners

Contact Stefanie Boyce