I work as an Independent Occupational Therapist with clients who have acquired Brain Injuries and other neurological conditions, supporting them through their rehabilitation and recovery. I use my clinical reasoning skills to carry out comprehensive functional assessments and produce reports to help identify their future goals and needs.
The role of an Occupational Therapist is vast and when working with clients I look at the impact of their illness, injury or disability not only on the day-to-day aspects of their lives but on their roles within family, community and work. I take into consideration the physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioural problems which may now exist for the person to identify what challenges they now face and want to overcome in order to live their best life.
Working alongside family is also key to any rehabilitation programme and is something I enjoy as it enables me to be holistic in my approach to my client. I am sensitive, compassionate, patient and listen to them which facilitates improved working relationships and therefore patient care. My skills of communication are not only important to motivate, persuade and negotiate with reluctant and challenging patients but to explain concisely the treatment intervention and gain their informed consent for participation. Working collaboratively with other therapists and members of the medico-legal team who may be involved with my client is also an enjoyable and a privileged part of my role.
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
Phone: 07513 618417
Email: [email protected]