I love working with kids and enjoy the challenge of having to constantly come up with new ways to make therapy fun and motivating! I am passionate about the role I can play in helping a child to develop the motor and sensory skills needed to reach developmental milestones, become independent in day to day tasks and learn through play.
I work with children who are displaying functional difficulties: A broad term, this can include anything from being able to put on their socks to managing to cope in a busy classroom, to completing a piece of written work.
I prefer to see children in their own homes (or nursery/school) and use their own toys in therapy where possible, as experience tells me that children are more likely to engage and get the most out of therapy when in a familiar setting. My sessions are very much tailored to the individual child. I like to work closely with parents to set realistic and achievable goals for therapy and to empower them to continue to support the child's development outside of our sessions. I also believe it is essential to work with educational staff and other health professionals, to make sure all areas are covered, with the child always at the centre.
Since working in Paediatrics, I have done further training in Sensory Integration, Sensory Attachment, postural management, ASD and emotional regulation.
BSc Hons Occupational Therapy
Phone: 07834856721
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.therapyspot..uk