Moodlifter is a a service to help you flourish. Moodlifter provide's individual, group and corporate well being / occupational therapy in Solihull and the West Midlands. It is bespoke to your needs but will combine physical exercise with activities to boost your overall mental wellbeing.
Moodlifter provide advice on mental health in the workplace. Events and training for mental health awareness days. Occupational Therapy Supervision. Occupational Therapy and personal training assessment and intervention to adults who want to overcome depression, anxiety or manage autism / adhd or complex mental health and trauma.
Sarah Meharg qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2002 and started her career working on surgery and rehabilitation wards in hospital. She then held clinical positions within learning disability teams and gained a postgraduate certificate in dementia studies. At this time she experienced a bereavement and despite having never been interested in exercise she started to explore how to use physical activity to overcome depression.
She developed a love of olympic style weightlifting, hiking and going to the gym. Within her role as lead occupational therapist at a mental health hospital she set up a gym and physical activity program. Since 2013, she has been a wellbeing advisor and mental health coordinator at Warwick University In July 2019 she left to work at MoodLifter fulltime. She was a volunteer on the committee for the national charity the University Mental Health Advisors Network. in 2018 she created MoodLifter as she was passionate about the benefits of exercise so combined her two expertise in mental health/ wellbeing and personal training.
She is a registered Mental health mentor for disabled student allowance and can provide workplace strategy coaching through access to work funding.
Lift your Mood
Contact Sarah Meharg - Moodlifter
Phone: 07899798933
Email: [email protected]