Kate is a well-respected Occupational Therapist, with 30 years of experience. Kate maintains a high level of professional development and feels the key to providing her clients with an excellent service is maintaining close networks within the commercial, housing and OT fields. Kate has presented her work on Inclusive design and housing standards at The Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Royal College of Occupational Therapists specialist section - Housing conference, the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in Sydney, Australia. She has also lectured in Athens, Greece, Zagreb, Croatia and Banda Luka Bosnia.
Kate has developed and teaches on the first Housing pathway MSc at York St John University
Kate is the former chairperson and treasurer of the RCOTSS - H and represented the College of Occupational Therapist in Europe. Kate worked with Bristol University on the publication of ‘Minor adaptations without delay’. She is co-author of the new Wheelchair Housing Design Guide and written a chapter of a book for newly qualified occupational therapists.
Phone: 07973250783
Email: [email protected]