Highly skilled Specialist Neuro Paediatric and Adult Occupational Therapist with 18 years post qualifying experience.
Working in independent practice for 4 years. Specialising in brain injury for adults and children. Working in medical and personal negligence claims with a plethora of case managment companies.
Previously I developed Paediatric OT Service support 30 early years settings.
Assessing, recommending and evaluated equipment and minor major adaptations for both adults and children with a plethora of conditions.
Experience of lifelong, life limiting and life changing disabilities. From brain injury, spinal injury, clinical negligence, accidents and trauma, progressive disabilities, neurological conditions, amputees, respiratory and cardiology conditions in adults and children I am trained in the DIR Floor time Profectum approach.
Extensive knowledge in sensory processing difficulties and impact this has on function. I am currently undertaking the PGCERT in Sensory Integration.
Excellent communication skills and an empathetic practitioner.
Strong ethos for collaborative working relationships with a vast range of professionals and third sector agencies.
Developed workshops and training , awareness sessions and programmes for parents and professional working with children and adults with brain injuries additional needs and ASD.
Expert in manual handling, risk assessments, provision equipment, major and minor adaptations, intervention plans and therapeutic intervention.
Experience in providing short term plans, long term plans and lifelong recommendations.
Exceptional awareness of the impact of disabilities on occupational performance, service users activities of daily living and the impact on their families
Excellent understanding of a wide variety of complex conditions affecting adults and children
Therapeutic functional goals and interventions using play
Trained in Aqua therapy and Rebound therapy
BSc. (Hons) Occupational Therapy – University Hospital of Wales College of Medicine 2002 - 2005
Phone: 07896151835
Email: [email protected]