My additional training as a nursery and early year's teacher is invaluable in my work. I understand the challenges of the National Curriculum and integration, and ensure that treatment programmes are adapted to complement a child's Individual Educational Plan (IEP). In addition to focusing on functional skills such as daily independence, handwriting and play, I can advise on early maths concepts and perceptual skills. I believe that it is crucially important to work with children at their own level, using alternative methods of communication if necessary. I work in partnership with other therapists as is necessary in order to have a programme tailored to meet the specific needs of individual children In the course of my career I have undertaken further training in: The Listening Programme, Interactive metronome and the updated Deep Pressure Proprioceptive Technique. I can use augmentative communication such as Makaton. Children can visit my large airy treatment room, which is located in the centre of Oxford.
Phone: 01865 559899
Email: [email protected]