

Lorna Scott's profile

Lorna Scott 1989 - Royal College of Occupational Therapy DipCot

With over 35 years of clinical experience working as a qualified occupational therapist, I have a deep understanding of functional problems related to physical health issues and how to resolve or manage them.

Originally working in hospitals to a specialist level in elderly, rheumatology, and orthopaedics, I followed the cutting edge of rehabilitation and moved into the community. Here, I added community specialist in stroke and elderly rehabilitation to my skill set. My understanding of the individual nature of independence problems and how to resolve them expanded through working in each person's own home. Vocational rehabilitation became part of my community role, particularly in relation to stroke, cognition, and fatigue. Through this, I have been able to support working-age people to retain their employment. I have been able to maintain my interest in conditions related to ageing and have further developed my skills in the assessment and management of dementia.

After over 17 years of part-time independent experience alongside my NHS work, I now work wholly in the independent sector, sharing my skills with private individuals, employers, insurance companies, and other organisations. I continue to work therapeutically with conditions related to ageing, stroke, orthopaedics, and brain injury to achieve improved independence in home or work life, recommend suitable equipment or establish streamlined care needs. Private individuals engage me to visit them in the comfort of their home. I complete vocational assessments in the workplace. I also provide occupational therapy to Smart Rehabilitation therapy service, complete specialist functional independent living assessments with recommendations for Aviva Insurance, and provide expert witness occupational therapy through Somek and Associates.

I am based in Sheffield and complete face-to-face visits around South, East & West Yorkshire and the Midlands. I am happy to offer remote contact where appropriate. I am happy to discuss any concern you may have. I may be able to signpost elsewhere if I am not able to help you directly. Please feel free to contact me on: Mobile: 07932 637856 or Email: [email protected]

Picture of Lorna Scott


Occupational Therapist DipCot

Contact Lorna Scott

Phone: 07932637856

Email: [email protected]

Web: coming soon



  • Adult 25 +
  • Older person (65+)
  • Advice about access, bathroom &/or kitchen adaptations or equipment Home adaptations for independent living
  • Advice around specialist equipment or in modifying your home to maximise independence
  • Falls prevention
  • Telecare and Telehealth expertise
  • Electric mobility scooter assessment/advice
  • Practical strategies/treatment to overcome daily challenges caused by illness, accident, recent diagnosis or ageing.
  • Long term conditions management in the community
  • Brain or Spinal Injury expertise
  • Trauma & Orthopedics expertise
  • Carer Support
  • Help and support with pain or fatigue-management techniques
  • Therapeutic assessment, support and intervention for memory problems
  • Support with Alzheimer's disease or other dementias
  • Ergonomic Assessment/industrial/office/vehicle seating/equipment advice
  • Job/role analysis of task demands
  • Graduated RTW plan/reasonable adjustments advice
  • Vocational Rehab (VR) ongoing input/treatment/job coach/work prep/work hardening/conditioning
  • OT Assessments and interventions on behalf of a case manager
  • Specific treatment interventions for a case manager
  • Assessments/support at GP surgeries

Contact Lorna Scott