As well as advanced sensory integration practice, further training has been completed in ADHD, autism/PDA profile, ARFID, EOTAS, SEND law for professionals, feeding support, Send tribunals for professionals, Sensory integration and infant and toddler sleep, feeding and regulation. Interoception the 8th sense (additional courses on eating, toileting and non-speaking clients). Holly is also trained in the assessment of motor process skills (AMPS). Holly is a student supervisor, clinical supervisor both for NHS services and private practice, SIE clinical mentor for postgraduate module 3 and 4 (Sheffield Hallam/SIE) and has guest lectured for universities for both undergraduate and postgraduate Occupational Therapy programs.
Holly works in schools, children's homes and in our Doncaster clinic completing assessments and delivering therapeutic support. Holly's main area of work is assessment and Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy. Holly is HCPC registered and is a member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapy (RCOT) and Children Young People and Families RCOT Specialist section, the world federation of Occupational Therapy (WFOT), Sensory Integration Education member and member of the STAR Institute for Sensory Processing.
We have some fantastic specialist OT's working for the company who also have years of experience in the following: - Housing adaptations, major and minor and equipment - Children with physical health disabilities - DFGS - Vocational services - Seating - Mental health support -
BSc(hons) Occupational Therapy, PgCert Sensory Integration and advanced sensory integration module 4 (advanced practitioner)
Phone: 07731496775
Email: [email protected]