

Hannah Bowden's profile

Hannah Bowden BSc (hon) in Occupational Therapy

I'm a highly specialist occupational therapist with over 14 years experience working within the NHS and more recently as an independent occupational therapist My experience spans general medicine, falls, stroke and neurology across a range of different settings.

Some of the areas I can help with are regaining movement and function in your arm, returning to work, increasing independence in and out of your home, cognitive therapy such as help with memory difficulties, seating and positioning, environmental and care needs assessment, and much more.

I have specialist skills and knowledge within stroke and neurology covering a range of approaches and interventions to support adults in their rehabilitation journey. My post-graduate training has included courses in cognition, upper limb rehabilitation, and seating and positioning.

I take great pride in supporting my clients to reach their potential through listening to their individual needs and setting personalised goals in conjunction with enabling clients to develop skills in self-management.

In addition, I work closely with a physiotherapist Ruth Boycott, who is skilled in the same specialities and can provide further help to compliment occupational therapy input where required. Please see my website or get in touch to discuss how I could help.

I also provide supervision to Occupational Therapists.

Picture of Hannah Bowden


Specialist Occupational Therapist.

Contact Hannah Bowden

Phone: 07918207281

Email: [email protected]




  • Adult 25 +
  • Young person (18-25)
  • Older person (65+)
  • Sensory integration
  • Case Management
  • Advice about access, bathroom &/or kitchen adaptations or equipment Home adaptations for independent living
  • Advice around specialist equipment or in modifying your home to maximise independence
  • Falls prevention
  • Telecare and Telehealth expertise
  • Assessments for Disabled Facilities Grants
  • Specialist seating expertise
  • Wheelchair assessments
  • Electric mobility scooter assessment/advice
  • Practical strategies/treatment to overcome daily challenges caused by illness, accident, recent diagnosis or ageing.
  • Long term conditions management in the community
  • Hand Therapy expertise
  • Brain or Spinal Injury expertise
  • Sensory Impairment expertise
  • Carer Support
  • Help and support with pain or fatigue-management techniques
  • Therapeutic assessment, support and intervention for memory problems
  • Support with Alzheimer's disease or other dementias
  • Neurological conditions expertise
  • Specialist hand therapy
  • Job/role analysis of task demands
  • Neuropsychological/Cognitive/Neurodiversity assessment (including standardised tools)
  • Graduated RTW plan/reasonable adjustments advice
  • Vocational Rehab (VR) ongoing input/treatment/job coach/work prep/work hardening/conditioning
  • OT Assessments and interventions on behalf of a case manager
  • Mentoring or supervision

Contact Hannah Bowden