My expertise lies with complex cases where more case management is required or a collaborative, phased, and structured approach is required to acheive the best outcome for the client, their carers, family and other professionals involved.
I provide high quality thorough and indepth assessments which can inform of eligibility of need for services, statutary benefit entitelment and identify the best treatment options available for the client in order to maximise their Independence, health and well-being.
My approach is very holistic taking account of physical, cognitive, psyhosocial, spiritual, cultural, environmental and financial factors to ensure individulised and person centred outcomes.
I can motivate and lead teams and staff towards building new services and making service improvements to ensure high quality and efficiencies. I also contribute to teams through diligent work, encouraging and training others; and a positive spirit of overcoming challenges and any limitations to service delivery.
I graduated from University of Sydney, Australia, with First Class Honours in Occupational Therapy in 1998 I have worked in London since 2000.
Phone: 07930314097
Email: [email protected]