I qualified in 2006 and since then have predominantly supported children and young people with physical disabilities and neurodevelopmental conditions working for the NHS. Prior to this I worked with adults with long-term conditions and disabilities in Adult Social Care.
Areas of expertise include working with neurodivergent children and young people to assess, plan and evaluate treatment so that they can flourish at school, home and play. I also have specialist training in treating children and young people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) and complex symptoms such as persistent pain and functional neurological disorders.
I am particularly interested in working with older children and young people whose sensory processing manifests as anxiety, presenting barriers to learning and participation. I am passionate about helping them and those around them to recognise and work with their unique sensory processing to support self-regulation and occupational performance.
I am trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI) and in sleep disorders for children and young people. I have a particular interest and specialism in helping neurodivergent individuals to sleep better. I am an accredited Aromatherapist and use clinical aromatherapy to support my practice when it is beneficial, appropriate and safe to do so.
Specialist Children's Occupational Therapist
Phone: 07838762070/
Email: [email protected]