We specialise in rehabilitation following serious and complex traumatic injury, including limb loss, musculoskeletal and spinal cord injuries.
We understand the complex interplay between the physical and psychological effects of traumatic injury and the impact these have on an individual's ability to participate in the activities they want and need to be able to do. We address these through the development and implementation of bespoke goal-focused rehabilitation programmes, designed to make the process engaging and effective.
We understand the importance of good communication and a joined-up approach. To achieve this, we proactively engage with others involved in the individual's case, including case managers, solicitors and other members of the multi-disciplinary team. We also provide clear and concise progress reports at agreed intervals. We have well-established links with other relevant providers and services enabling us to work effectively with them to ensure the client's needs are front and centre of all we do.
We pride ourselves on being clear about our fees and to this end, provide fixed-price rehabilitation packages, which include all costs such as administration and travel.
Our director, Beth Cordrey, is an experienced expert witness. If you would like to commission Beth as an expert witness, please contact us.
BSc(Hons)OT, PGCert
Phone: 07476 559220
Email: [email protected]