

Annelies Franklin's profile

Annelies Franklin PG Cert (AdvOT) BHSc (OT) ILM Certificate in Coaching Sensory Integration 1 (Ulster University) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Introductory Practitioner Course (University of Birmingham)

Health Work Life Occupational Therapy

At Health Work Life Occupational Therapy I work with those who are currently employed (including off sick) or seeking a return to the workplace (e.g. after a long term sickness absence or career break).

I am skilled at working with mental health conditions, chronic fatigue, neurodiverse conditions, long Covid, chronic pain, stress and burnout. A number of my clients experience these conditions in the context of challenging home, work or social situations which may include current or past trauma experiences.

If you are having difficulty managing your health and wellbeing at home or in the workplace, I can help. I will provide an assessment of your health and wellbeing, and make recommendations of the support or adjustments that you require to be able to participate in the activities you need or want to do. This may include making a return to work plan and recommending workplace adjustments.

Together, we will set goals that help to facilitate improvements at work and in life and develop a plan to help you achieve these goals.

I have worked as an Occupational Therapist in a variety of settings, including head injury rehabilitation, inpatient and community mental health services and staff wellbeing services. This experience of working across a variety of services, including in senior leadership roles makes me well placed to provide holistic assessments and recommendations, acknowledging the links between work, health and home life.

Picture of Annelies Franklin


Post Graduate Certificate in Advanced Occupational Therapy (2011), Bachelor of Health Science in Occupational Therapy (2003)

Contact Annelies Franklin


Email: [email protected]




  • Adult 25 +
  • Young person (18-25)
  • Older person (65+)
  • Coaching
  • Consultancy
  • Mentoring
  • Practice Audit & Evaluation
  • Professional Supervision
  • Training
  • Mental Health
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Practical strategies/treatment to overcome daily challenges caused by illness, accident, recent diagnosis or ageing.
  • Long term conditions management in the community
  • Help and support with pain or fatigue-management techniques
  • Depression and anxiety management
  • Mental health recovery and peer support
  • Stress-related support
  • Solution focused counselling
  • Learning Disability or Autism in adults
  • Work/health promo/training/H&S e.g. DSE Risk Assessment, Manual Handling training, stress prevention/education
  • Job/role analysis of task demands
  • Mental Health Assessment and Advice - work related
  • Career re-direction Assessment/Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA)
  • Graduated RTW plan/reasonable adjustments advice
  • Vocational Rehab (VR) ongoing input/treatment/job coach/work prep/work hardening/conditioning
  • OT Assessments and interventions on behalf of a case manager
  • Specific treatment interventions for a case manager
  • Assessments/support at GP surgeries
  • Prison health and wellbeing programmes/re-offending prevention
  • Mentoring or supervision
  • Regular supervision for independent practitioners
  • Coaching/Mentoring

Contact Annelies Franklin