Achieve Occupational Therapy is a small and friendly independent practice based within Cambridgeshire / Bedfordshire border.
The service offers private Occupational Therapy to children living within the United Kingdom, especially around the East of England, and abroad. The service offers an holistic assessment and treatment approach to children with a varying range of difficulties and diagnosis, with the aim of enabling them to �Achieve� their potential within all areas of daily life.
Assessments, advice, treatment and training is available for a wide range of difficulties. Assessment areas and interventions may include: � Sensory Integration / modulation difficulties � Bobath. � Gross motor skills, including balance and co-ordination, � Fine motor skills, dexterity and hand writing difficulties, � Visual perception, � Planning & execution of activities, � Self care and functional difficulties, � Eating and drinking difficulties, Including SOS feeding. � Postural management, including seating, � Specialist equipment, � Neuro-Muscular and Neuro-developmental Conditions. � Life limiting conditions and Palliative Care, � Autistic Spectrum Disorders, � Down's syndrome and CHARGE syndrome � Moving and Handling � Housing needs and adaptations
Claire will work closely with other professionals, families and children to promote a network of multidisciplinary team intervention, in range of different environments including schools, nurseries and the home settings. Ensuring that throughout the child remains the centre of the intervention, with fun and enjoyable activities, and also providing parents and other professionals with skills in order to support them.
BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy and Postgraduate Certificate in Sensory Integration
Contact Achieve Occupational Therapy
Phone: 07515019511
Email: [email protected]